Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm taking a break from my novel. And everytime I think about taking a break from it I want to go back and write more. But I find that Lana and Peter need a break from my mind...or I need a break from theirs... So I've started a new book. A very interesting book, if I do say so myself. I recently read "he's just not that into you" and I was inspired to write a dating book. I actually started one in 10th grade...you know, before I had my first boyfriend. I started it in my English Notebook which got thrown out accidentally at the beginning of the next year by the teacher who took over that classroom. So, in memorial, the first part of this new book is going to have that title: "Confessions of A Boy-Crazy Christian Girl." basically what it is, is little stories about the guys I had crushes on when I was younger. I know, I know, but it really has a point; it's just not shallow fun little stories. Oh, what's that? The point, you ask? Don't Settle. "Never settle for something less than your best." "Better to have loved and lost than to be married to a psycho all your life." That type of point. And boy, some of the stuff is gonna be...well. If you're interested in the background story/reading as I write, let me know. It's fun to remember all the silly things that made me laugh when I was in high school...my first kiss, first date with a guy who had a car...Ha. I'm on this three year cycle of relationships...it's strange. Hopefully it slows down soon, or just becomes a relationship that doesn't end badly....now I'm rambling. Hm. There will be three parts to the book. I haven't really thought about names for parts 2 and 3 yet. Something about Lessons Learned and Moving On. yeah. that sounds good. You've just witnessed Part-Naming!
Ok, now I'm getting delusional, so time to stop. Check out my pick for New Song Of The Week: Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
It's by Landon Pigg, and was featured on an ATT commercial. I love it.
Until next time, Peace, Love, and Stars,
--Starleisha G.

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